The theme of my album, Am Segula – Charming Nation, is that every Jew is equal under God. The album cover features a conglomeration of all of Am Yisrael – The People of Israel. The people of Israel, from righties to leftists, from observant to non-observant. God/Hashem loves his entire nation. Hashem is so to speak “charmed” by every individual Jew. The concept of Segula to me, means charming. From the beginning of the album to the end, the 12 songs will bring the listener into a visual/picturesque experience. Each and every listener will sense e that she/he was present, along with the entire people of Israel and the giving/receiving of the Torah at Sinai. This album will empower each person whom listens to it, to feel and sense his or her own individual uniqueness and specialness.
Money Back Guaranteed.
If you listen to the entire album twice, and do not sense that you are under the clouds of glory, you will have the option of sending me back the disc, and I will refund your money. That is how much I am madly in love with HaKadosh Baruch Hu.
Definition of Segula:
A segula is protective or benevolent charm or ritual in Kabalistic and Talmudic tradition. The word segula appears in the Bible in Exodus 19:5 and Deuteronomy 7:6, where God refers to the Jewish nation as His segula (treasure). The root of this word, segol, is the name of a Hebrew vowel point represented by three dots. According to the Ohr Hachaim, a segula is “a charm that supersedes logic”.