This is my first work, released in 1980. The album sold well, but even more important, it indirectly led to my radio career, which continues till this day.
The album features 10 beautiful nigunim in the Chasidic style of Modhitz and Carlebach. My voice was younger, my energies were youthful, and I did not realize how wonderful this album is until my children and grandchildren…da, Saba, this is the best album you ever made.
Song List:
1. Me Haíish
2. Papae Bridge
3. Mipinai Ma
4. Sameiach
5. Dance of the Tzadikim
6. Ahlay Osor
7. Kol Dodi
8. Ka Ribone
9. Walking Down the Road
10. Uívinei Ohso