Chakal Tapuchim




My second album was released in 1984, just after I made aliya to Israel. These are my original compositions joined by three compositions from my radio co-host, Uncle Laybush. For the radio skits that we did at 2 AM Saturday nights, on New York radio, or a segment titled Chakal Tapuchim or in English, the field of the Sacred Apples, which became the album title.

My songs are so impressive, that the famous singer Mordechai ben David Werdyger agreed to help co-produce it until I decided to leave the USA and move my whole family to Israel, at which point I carried the production on my own.

I consider this an album, which is taken and really enjoyed by young people, and bless me that one-day I will ad the voices of young children in a re-mix. I can assure you that every family that has children (of all ages) and purchases this album will have their children singing along with our songs.

Lybush and I guide our listeners on a journey to the world of one’s inner soul. Parents, the world over, would, for years, lay their children to sleep with these colorful songs in the background. And those children have become today’s parents, and, many of whom, choose this same album to now lay their own children to sleep. Most songs are presented half in English and half in Hebrew, so everyone can understand their messages.

Real soul music is what critics call the song “Atah Sakum”, which, when the great Reb Shlomo Carlebach heard it for the first time, he said, that was the way my Atah Sakum should have gone, Dov “chapped” it away from me. (Incidentally, Reb Shlomo’s Atah Sakum, composed at that same time, eventually became a tremendous hit, sung to this very day across the Jewish world!)

Song list:
1. Introduction
2. Chakal Tapuchim
3. Traveling
4. Ehrlicher Yid
5. Kol Ma
6. Blitz
7. Moideh Ani
8. Lost in the Forest
9. Atoh Sokum
10. Yiboneh Hamikdosh
11. Motzi Ahserim