This wonderful and richly musical album, masters of the Land was completed at the beginning of 2004, and proved, once again to be an expression of our times.
The struggle over the land of Israel has now reached its crucial and deciding point. The struggle between Arab and Jew has been sidelined by the struggle between Jew and Jew. The suggestion of Prime Minister Sharon of a unilateral expulsion/disengagement plan on December 18, 2003 at the Fourth Herzliya Conference, literally divided the country.
On this album, I presented a massive hit song titled Vílo Yinatshu. A message to the nation and the world from the Master of the Universe, from Amos 9/11:
I have returned my nation to the land. …I have planted then into their land, and they will never again be plucked out of the land, which I have given to them
My song, Vílo Yinatchu, was the theme song of the struggle against the disengagement. The words of the song were featured on large posters in Gush Katif. The Yesah council informed me that as long as it was only me singing the song, they would not teach it the people (sic) The tile of the album “masters of the land: are the words that the brothers of the Biblical Joseph ascribed to him. Sadly, during the expulsion of Jews form Gush Katif, Israeli media refereed to the noble Jews of Gush Katif with the “derogatory” term of Adonai HaAretz, Masters of the land.
The album features twelve original songs, including, we shall overcome which expresses antagonism to the new Zionism which hands land to their enemies! There is one Yiddish composition, Tshuva Yiddin, and one all English song titled torah Road Some call this album the best ever, others say no. But all agree that musically this is the tightest and strongest ever.
Listening to this album twice will make one feel that she/he is an integral part of Am Yisrael – the masters of the land.
Money Back Guaranteed.
If you listen to the entire album twice, and do not sense that you are under the clouds of glory, you will have the option of sending me back the disc, and I will refund your money. That is how much I am madly in love with HaKadosh Baruch Hu.
1.Ki Líyishuascha
2. Vílo Yinatchu
3.Tshuva Yidden
4. Tishtapech Na
5. Avdu Goyim
6. Eleh Varechev
7. Torah Road
8. LaíShem Hayishuah
9. Hu Heytiv
10. Build for me a Sanctuary
11. Anachnu Nitgaber
12. Hinei Lo Yanum